Osho Hridayam Meditation Center
Center for Inner Celebration
in San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Center Programs
Weekly Program
Previous Programs
What is Meditation?
Osho Meditation Introduction
OSHO Active Meditations
Dynamic Meditation
Kundalini Meditation
Chakra Breathing Meditation
Nataraj Meditation
Kirtan Meditation
Devavani Meditation
No Mind Meditation
OSHO White Robe Brotherhood Meditation
Miscellaneous Information
Meditator's Food
Conjectures and Theories
A Primer BEFORE your First Osho Meditation
About Osho
Introduction to Osho
Osho Listening Meditations and Books
About India from Osho
Related Links
Enlightened Sannyasins
Contact Us
Step 2 of 3:
Please RSVP below so we know when to expect you and the information also helps to plan the food
Full Name
Likely Arrival Time and Date
7pm standard, 6pm for beginners, upto 8:30pm for accommodating life :) . Example: 7:30 pm, Jan 5.
Food Preference
Would you like food? Do you have any preferences? Example: Yes, Indian , vegetarian.
Let us know your energy-level, physical (dis)comfort, emotional (im)balance, special meditation requests or life issues that you would like to address through your meditation. This will be discreet. It will be used to tailor the night for your needs. Eg.: Low energy, Weak knees, Emotionally charged from work -- lots of anger and exhaustion, Osho Nadabrahma Meditation please. Thank you.